Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dreams for Rwanda (Day 5)

This post is written by Chris Meriwether

My day started out a little different than normal. Since my bag was lost during our flight into Rwanda I had to go on a special trip by myself to Kigali to retrieve it. I was a bit anxious about leaving the rest of the group and venturing into the capital city on my own but as it turns out this was an incredible blessing in disguise.

Our guide and interpreter this week, Joseph, coordinated my ride into Kigali in the same car as Bishop Alexis Olindabagabo. So for over an hour I got to talk one on one with the Bishop. What a privilege! He told me all about his experience being a bishop in Rwanda and how God is pouring out his blessing all over this gorgeous country. He explained how the conference center where we are staying nearly closed down if not for the direct intervention of God through key relationships, Alan Hawkins being one of them. Now this center is a magnificent and profitable ministry to people from all over the world. Bishop Alexis also shared with me his dream about furthering the relationship that we have with Rwanda. He has such a huge heart for this country and its people.

Afternoon dancing at Musenyi
After the car ride myself and Joseph got my bag from the airport (Thank God. My one pair of clothes was getting very smelly) and proceeded to take a public bus back to meet the rest of the group. This was quite an experience. Up to this point everywhere I’d gone had been with a large group of 18 mizungus (their word for “white people”) and we attracted all kinds of attention and caused a big ruckus.  But what this solo trip afforded me was a chance to see life the way it actually occurs in Rwanda and not attract as much attention. With Joseph as my guide (and very dear friend) we made several errands and used the pretty hectic and chaotic bus system to get back successfully.

What I learned while I was on this 5 hour side trip was something very profound. Rwandans, although they look and speak different than us and are surrounded by very different circumstances, are exactly the same as you and me. They get through the day just like the rest of us. They share the same joys and the same struggles. They go to the bank just like we do and they grind through a workday just like we do. They smile and greet their friends and neighbors just like we do.  We are cut from the same cloth even though we think them to be so different than us.

God made us all in his image. We all resemble the same God. At a human level we are all the same. And through the cross of Jesus we are united in the same Christian family even though we are half a world apart. Whether in this life or then next, one day we will all worship God together in beautiful harmony. I can’t wait for that day.

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