Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sad Goodbyes (Day 9)

This post was  written by Krista Kalmerton and Jenny Davidson

May 21, 2013 

 Starting your day out the right way is invaluable. Today we started the day with exercising with exactly half of the team. We really felt sorry for Chris and Jessie because we were kinda exercising outside their window! We’re sure it made for a really energetic wake up! Watching the sunrise over the lake was extremely beautiful. Cyane Cyane!

Today we were fellowshipping with the churches in Mbare and Kizirakome. Both times were rather short but the time was sweet. Kildoo brought the word in Mbare and talked about how in the Old Testament our sins were covered by the slaughter and releasing of goats into the wilderness. He also talked about how Jesus was that sacrifice for us, being slaughtered on our behalf and him bearing our sins so that they will not be remembered. Korey brought the word in Kizirakome and talked about how we should not worry, but pursue God and follow his commands. We were very encouraged by spending time with these two congregations.

In both churches, the men and women were separated. Men had the stools and women were sitting on mats on the floor. One woman said however that they knew the love of God was in us because we were willing to sit in the dust with their women. This really brought home the mission of this trip and our call as believers...”love God and love others”.

Later that evening we got a chance to go back to Karangazi and say goodbye to the children that we’ve gotten a chance to spend time with all week. They danced a traditional dance for us and sang. They danced and sang beautifully! We got several letters from different kids that we’d bonded with which made the goodbyes even more emotional.

We will truly miss our brothers and sisters in Karangazi and already cannot wait to see them again. Even through goodbyes God renews the hope that we have. As we trust him to continue to provide for and love these kids, we also trust him to bring us back together to fellowship with them once again!

Jenny and Krista

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